Meizitang Botanical Slimming Capsule adalah salah satu BEST SELLER PRODUCT
Harga Rp 150.000
untuk menurunkan berat badan yang berlebihan,
dan Meizitang Strong Version ini adalah penyempurnaan dari produk Meizitang yang sebelumnya yang memiliki efek yang jauh lebih kuat.
Meizitang adalah suplemen diet yang terbuat dari herbal yang akan mengkontrol napsu makan, menurunkan berat badan dengan aman dan effektif, dan langsung dapat dirasakan efeknya sejak pertama kali dikonsumsi.
Meizitang adalah obat diet yang diproduksi oleh KM DALI, perusahaan yang memproduksi Li Da Capsule yang terkenal dan terbukti menguruskan tanpa efek samping. dan merupakan Best seller di USA, Russia, Mexico. Bahayakah? Tentu tidak! Meizitang terbuat 100% dari bahan-bahan herbal alami.
Bisa dipastikan aman, tanpa efek samping dan berkualitas.
1. Diminum 1x sehari 1 kapsul (tidak boleh lebih dari satu!),5 – 10menit sebelum sarapan pagi dengan air hangat.
2. Darah tinggi atau rendah,wanita hamil dan menyusui, alkohol ,yang sedang minum obat dokter atau dan penyakit lainnya yang berhubungan dengan fungsi..tidak disarankan mengkonsumsi ini.
3. Simpan di tempat yang bersih dan kering.
4. Makan 3x sehari dan tepat waktu.
5. Jangan mengkonsumsi meizitang apabila sedang tidak fit & mengkonsumsi obat lain (flu, demam, dll)
6. Selama diet meizitang, hindari susu, soft drink, teh.
7. Hentikan mengkonsumsi meizitang apabila berat badan anda sudah ideal. Manfaat Bagi Pria atau Wanita Yang Mengkonsumsi Produk ini 1. Meningkatkan pembakaran lemak. 2. Membuang lemak. 3. Menurunkan nafsu makan berlebihan.
1. Sangat aman dikonsumsi karena 100% dari herbal
2. Mengandung berbagai macam tumbuhan yang bisa buat jadi awet muda dan ga buat kulit kusam
3. Sangat cocok dikonsumsi BAGI YANG MAU DIET CEPAT KOMPOSISI: -
Extract from Fructus Citri Aurantii Amarae (Bitter Orange) – Oriental Water Plantain – Extract Jobstears seed – Extract Cassia Seed – Atractylone – Extract Tarragon – Perilla frutescens – Psyllium shell – Guar Gum – Alfalfa – Hoof Bamboo shoot – Lotus, etc – Plus Vit E Yang Bagus Untuk Kulit.
EFEK DARI SOFTGEL : – Akan timbul rasa haus yang berlebihan..kerena pembuangan lemak lewat air seni – Nafsu makan ditekan – Selebihnya tidak menganggu tidur atau aktifitas apapun
Meizitang Softgel Versi Strong adalah pembaruan dari meizitang sebelumnya.
Meizitang soft gel, A.K.A. Botanical Slimming soft gel adopts many kinds of natural plants that possess the function of slimming and keeping nice figure. These plants, such as nice slimming grass, jobstears, tarragon, psyllium shell, hoof bamboo shoot, lotus and etc, are carefully extracted and purified with modern advanced technology for Meizitang Soft Gel whose function theory is as follows:
Restrain the activity of lipase in stomach and intestinal canal to enable the fat in the taken food not to be absorbed by the body. This effect is shown in the form of defecate with fat (oil) nature, which means people could excrete the equal quantity of fat as that has been taken.
Improve the metabolism and basic metabolism ratio (BMR) of fat, which means to increase the consumption of human body energy. The body fat would be broken up into heat, carbon dioxide and water. Botanical Slimming Soft Gel could not only reduce the redundant fat, but could also supplement many kinds of amino acid and trace element such as copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc and selenium. In the mean while, it can activate body cells and make balance over body microcirculation while eliminating the long-term accumulated toxicity elements. Thus it possesses the unique slimming, toxicity-eliminating and fat-adjusting function.
Not just for women. Men can use Meizitang Botanical Slimming soft gel too!
Proportion Of Ingredients:
Extracts from ZiSu 25%
Extracts from oriental water plantain 13%
Extracts from cassia seed 10%
Extracts from Fuling 17%
Medical Amylum 35%
36 capsules per pack (650 mg x 12 pills x 3pcs)Size: 12.4 X 16.9 cm for one pack
Unsuitable Group & Precaution
1. People with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure or cerebrovascular disease;
2. People with psychosis or addict of drugs, medicine or alcohol;
3. People with hyperthyroidism, insufficiency of liver or kidney;
4. People with prostatic hyperplasia or glaucoma;
5. Women in pregnancy or lactation;
6. People under the age of 18 or above 60;
7. Can not be taken with other drugs.
Usage & Dosage
1 time/day, 1 capsule/time(before breakfast with 350~500cc water)SAFETY
* 1 capsule a day before or after breakfast, Do not take more capsules than recommended.* Do not take this product if you are taking any medications (prescription or over-the-counter)
* Drink more water and eat more fruit if thirsty (not enough pure water in your body reduces the body's glucose level in the blood, which causes weakness and dizziness).
* Do not skip meals (especially breakfast or lunch). It is important while taking this product to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, including pure water and natural juices.
* Do not consume alcohol while taking Capsules. It may neutralize the effectiveness of the slimming process.
Do not exceed 1 capsule per day; do not mix take two different kinds of pills in same day.This product is not designed for the morbidly obese, children, pregnant, diabetics, and people with heart conditions.
* The responsibility of using this product, like any other dietary supplement, is one who takes it, so if you have any questions, consult your trusted doctor before taking.
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