Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Leptin Dried Plum Weight Loss

Leptin Dried Plum Weight Loss

makanan diet yang paling mudah dan alami sebagai pencuci mulut. Plum organik ini alami tanpa bahan kimia dan penuh gizi, dan rasanya persis seperti normal plum kering. Mereka membantu membuat gerakan usus, dan melakukan pembersihan internal dengan menetralkannya racun dan kotoran. sehingga jadi lebih lancar untuk buang air besar dan kulit pun jadi sehat dan halus

Bentuknya adalah seperti buah plum. cukup dimakan 1bungkus saja setiap malam. Rasanya asem2 seperti rasa buah plum. Diet yg sangat praktis.
Efeknya jadi akan mudah buang air besar, kulit jadi sehat n halus, mencegah kanker, mengurangi tingkat kolesterol.

Ingredients: Isi : 15 Sachets Untuk 15 Hari Konsumsi
Dried Plum, Active lactobacullus, Lotus leaves, Puerh tea.

CARA PENGGUNAAN: Makan 1 buah setiap malam atau setelah makan malam

Leptin Weight loss dried plum

detoxicated & slimming fruit does not limit your appetite, does not stimulate your nervous system, is not addictive and does not cause fatigue.

Weight Loss Dried Plum is a natural healthy

food, with no side effects, made from edible herbal plants such as Yunnan Puerh

with dried plums and active lactobacillus.

Active Lactobacillus, Lotus Leave, Dried Plum and Puerh Tea

Active Lactobacillus maintains a healthy digestion system and keeps optimal blood

pressure level. Helps you receive the correct amount of good and bad bacteria to your body.

Also promotes mineral and vitamin absorption and

stimulates the immune system.

Lotus leaves is considered a natural herb with

wonderful curative characteristics, as healing bruises, reduces muscle spasm and stops bleeding. Lotus leaves eases fever and assists the digestion system.

Dried Plum is rich in antioxidant and fiber and

helps maintain a healthy digestion system  and

lowers the risk of colon cancer. Also helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar level.

Puerh Tea (aged tea) is a great fat burning weight loss product.

It is known for its ability to assist in the digestion of fatty foods, increases metabolism

and reduces cholesterol levels. Puerh tea absorbs the cholesterol until it reaches the

digestive system. This means that the body does not absorb the fat even though the food was

eaten. Puerh tea outperforms green tea in this case.


Take one piece after dinner


This product is not suitable for children, pregnant woman and people having

serious gastrointestinal ulcers.

*This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease.

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